Our approach

Families Foundation's approach is based on building capacity in five areas:

Family Capacity

We help build families' resilience and confidence by supporting local organisations as they implement practices, programmes and strategies that focus on early childhood development, positive parenting, and increasing parents' competence and confidence.

Workforce Capacity

The workforce that is trained to deliver programmes can make all the difference to a programme's outcomes. We help identify and train a broad range of community workers and practitioners who will be best-placed to successfully deliver programmes and to get the results we know are possible.

Community Capacity

Families Foundation works side-by-side with local leadership. The aim is to support our partner organisation as it identifies the local needs and priorities that will inform ongoing planning and service development in the community.

Sustainability Capacity

It's vital that new initiatives are sustained. With our implementation planning and system development, we support NGOs, CBOs and communities to plan for long-term, effective programme delivery.

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity

As part of a strategic alliance with The Centre for Evidence and Implementation, Families Foundation will support the use of robust monitoring and evaluation plans for all initiatives. Local personnel will be trained to assess and report on their initiative's results, using the monitoring and evaluation tools and framework.

Contact us at Families Foundation

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